OK-INBRE External Advisory Committee
The primary role of the External Advisory Committee (EAC) is to oversee the scientific progress of the overall OK-INBRE program, encourage and assist faculty development and enhancement, identify resources and possible research collaborators as needed, and to evaluate progress of the individual INBRE Research Project Investigator projects. The EAC works together with the Steering Committee and INBRE PI.

Dr. Jeffrey M. Osborn
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
The College of New Jersey
PO Box 7718
Ewing, NJ 08628

Dr. Ira Schwartz
Professor Emeritus
Department of Microbiology & Immunology
Chair, OK-INBRE External Advisory Committee
New York Medical College
Valhalla, NY 10595

Dr. Alan Tackett
Deputy Director, Winthrop P. Rockefeller Cancer Institute
Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Scharlau Family Endowed chair in Cancer Research
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
Dr. Courtney Karner
Associate Professor
Internal Medicine
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center