The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center (OUHSC) hosts several Summer Undergraduate Research Programs (SURP) aimed at preparing and encouraging undergraduate students to pursue careers in biomedical research or health related sciences. The programs are OK-INBRE, SURE, CURE, CRISP, DiCR and NARCH. OUHSC SURPs introduce outstanding undergraduate students to the rigorous academic preparation required to achieve these goals through participation in intensive, hands-on research experiences in the laboratories of biomedical faculty mentors. Students spend their summer in an experienced biomedical research lab and work with other students and faculty to pursue their own projects over the course of an eight-week period. On the final day, students show off their progress at a poster session to the research community. To find out more about all SURP programs offered by OUHSC, visit the OUHSC SURP page. Each program has its own application.
OK-INBRE Summer Mentoring and Research Training Program (SMaRT)
This program is available to freshman and sophomore level students.
OK-INBRE Summer Undergraduate Research Program (SURP)
This program is available to junior and senior college students.